Wednesday, April 15, 2009

It smells like spring...or just laundry sheets...mmm...

I love spring. I really do. Spring and fall are the best season cause they are the most mild of the seasons. They stay away from the extremes of hot and cold. With spring comes great weather and a long list of things to do with the lovely weather.

First off, baseball starts up. Now the real excitement doesn't come until September when the playoffs are on the line and all, but its great to follow along. Some weeks you lose track or get busy but when you come back, you haven't missed much. Nothing beats going to a major league baseball game in spring. Us in New England are lucky because we have one of the oldest, most famous ball park in the country. This also make us unlucky cause it is old and beat up while being ridiculously expensive. My alternative? Take a trip to Philadelphia. The Phillies have a great park thats just a few years old. Its clean and spacious without being too big. Tickets were usually really cheap although after last year I am sure prices have gone up. Its a good weekend away to see a game. Worth the money and if you really have some cash to spend, try to get tickets to see the Sox play their in July.

Now with baseball comes me wanting to play. Sadly, I have never bothered to join an old mans league or anything but I've found a way to fulfill my need to play. Wiffle Ball. Yes Wiffle Ball. A 26 year old in love with Wiffe Ball.  My brother-in-law and I started playing a few years back and then just kind of stopped one summer. Then last spring we decided to start it up again and not just here and there for fun. Not just tossing the ball around but really playing.
We have a field in my back yard marked out. There is a home plate and double and homerun markers. We have a pitchers mound and pitching rubber. We have backstops and a perfectly measured strike zone. We have a bat holder that can hold up to four bats. We just had two dozen fresh new balls delivered. We have official team names. I am the Londonderry Blue Moons and he is the Hudson Honey Brewers (both named for favorite beers of ours). 

We now have a second field at my brother-in-laws new house. This way we each have a home field. It is a rule that you have to drink at least one of your beers (Blue Moon for me or Honey Brown for him) per game. We don't look to get drunk but we feel we owe it to our names. Uniforms are in the process of being made.  Many of you may think Im crazy but hey, everyone needs a hobby. This is one of mine.

Anyway, I'm glad spring is here so that we can begin to play. Look for updates on here and hopefully even some video posts from yours truly about it. For now, I will leave you with my teams logo.

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