Thursday, February 12, 2009

25 random things

So I've seen this whole thing on facebook where people write 25 random things about themselves so I thought I might as well do it on here. So without much ado, here are 25 random things about me.

1. My middle name is Martin, after my dad.

2. I fracture my leg when I was two when trying out an acrobatic act I was working on failed as the garbage can fell over.

3. I was born in Minnesota but moved to NH when I was 1 and have never been back.

4. I'm a registered independent

5. I'm a politics junkie.

6. I'm also a civil war junkie. Been to Gettysburg over a dozen times

7. I got caught stealing baseball cards from a convenience store when I was in 5th grade. I did not act alone.

8. I'm actually related to Stonewall Jackson distantly. I even have proof.

9. I'm a sucked for good romantic movies. Especially '80's ones. Say Anything is one of my favorite movies.

10. The only movie I've ever cried at was My Girl when Veda goes to the funeral and yells about how he can't see without his glasses.

11. A dream come true would be to write or be on SNL.

12. My first car was given to me by a priest.

13. I haven't been to church, other than weddings and funerals, in over 3 years (nothing to do with the car).

14. I met Bill and Hillary Clinton and Peter Jennings when I was 10 at the Mall of New Hampshire.

15. I introduced George Bush at my high school when he was running for president.

16. I voted for Ralph Nadar once.

17. I once worked at a driving range driving the truck around shagging balls.

18. I once played the lead in a production of "Death of a Salesman".

19. While making a sci fi video for school, I accidentally made such a large explosion I apparently broke a well pipe 4 feet underground.

20. I once had backstage passes to a concert and got to meet Beck, Ben Folds and Les Claypool.

21. One of my cars got totaled when a cop rear ended me.

22. I'm told I do a pretty good Christopher Walken impression.

23. I've been to six weddings to this point in my life. I've been in the wedding party for all six. Always a grooms man, never a groom.

24. I love getting dressed up and one day hope I lead a life that requires me to own my own tuxedo.

25. I can tie a cherry stem not in one, but two knots with my tongue. And yes ladies, I'm single.


  1. Ok
    First off, proofreading is your friend...;-)
    #6 I never knew!!
    #9 Dude, The Notebook is the best sappy movie ever, seriously. The sex scene that starts in the rain?? HOT
    #25 Hot damn, you just moved way up on my list! Hehehe

  2. I think you should update this blog more. :)
